Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Finish of Summer School and the Continued Hunt For Work

Hello all,

Over the past number of weeks I participated in a summer school course at Talbot. The course dealt with apologetics and allowed for an introductory look at apologetics and some topics it would deal with. My final paper was a brief look at 8 different topics. As the paper is turned in, I am done with the class and now am researching more applications to submit for work. In another few weeks I will be moving in with Nathan and Joel at the new house. I think the move is going to be a good one and I look forward to it. I have had a very good time at the Gunther's house and can only say positive things about them and Elijah their son.

Adam Lewis

Friday, March 5, 2010

My first niece!!!

My sister Julie just recently delievered a baby into this world on March 4th. Her name is Elizabeth. Her older brother Christopher is in this picture as well.

A drawing

I decided to practice a bit of drawing and came up with this.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A higher degree?

I read "The Dead Past" by Isaac Asimov and found a quote that I really liked. It fits well as I am studying for a M.A. degree.

"A degree... is a first step down a ruinous highway. You don't want to waste it so you go on to graduate work and doctoral research. You end up a thoroughgoing ignoramus on everything in the world except for one subdivisional sliver of nothing."